The fact that apples are healthy probably comes as no surprise. The old proverb that states: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is one we’ve all heard and consider to be axiomatic. It is a fruit, after all.
While some fruits such as blueberries and the acai berry have suddenly become popular as “superfoods” that are credited with a wide range of health-giving properties, the utilitarian mainstay known as an “apple” has maintained its popularity through the ages. Apples are delicious and easy to eat wherever you happen to be. You can stick an apple in your pocketbook or your car’s glovebox and it will not decay in one day, as many sensitive fruits will. New studies are lately showing that the”good ole’ apple a day” could be the latest ‘superfood’ to be associated with beneficial support properties for conditions that may lead to stroke. Pears are also being re-glorified as a super-fruit. People who eat apples and pears gain beneficial protection for many bodily processes, including brain vessel health.
Strokes are one of those conditions that can be life-threatening, especially if you don’t get treatment quickly. With most medical conditions, you go to your doctor because you’re not feeling well. The doctor prescribes a medication, which you take and usually begin to feel better. Strokes however, are not so simple to treat. You cannot wait a few days to see if symptoms clear up on their own. And suffering a stroke can be a very scary situation, especially if you are alone. Stroke often hits you suddenly, with no warning. Even if there are other people around, it might be difficult for them to identify your condition and get immediate medical attention. It is a true statement that with most diseases, “prevention is the best cure,” but it is particularly true when it comes stroke prevention, especially if it runs in the family or you have already suffered one yourself.
Dietitians tell us to eat foods of as many different colors as possible. This is because the colors of a particular food often correspond to different vitamins, minerals and other chemicals related to a healthy body. A tomato, for instance, gives us something different than a carrot or a bunch of spinach. White fruits and vegetables, such as parsnips and white peaches, have been specifically linked to providing benefits that help promote brain-vessel health. Green foods are another color that we are often told to eat everyday, such as spinach, broccoli, beans and peas.
The biggest problem is that a lot of us eat too many ‘empty calorie’ foods. These are foods high in calories but that contain few nutrients. Processed foods often contain little — if any — fruits and vegetables. Fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits are the healthiest. Many people prefer fruits and vegetables that are cooked or processed, but in many cases cooking and processing removes nutrients. The great thing about an apple is that it is delicious in its own raw state and it has a long shelf life.
An apple a day should be easy for most people to fit into their daily routine, and everyone should give it a try. Of course, there are other benefits to eating an apple, including the fiber that will help your digestion processes. If we haven’t convinced you to eat a raw apple a day, or you cannot chew an apple due to dental issues, perhaps you can enjoy apple sauce, apple pie or even an apple strudel! Although not as beneficial as a raw apple, you will still gain health benefits from certain prepared apple dishes.
Don’t forget — “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”